
Showing posts from January, 2018

DAV - Dezentralisierte Autonome Fahrzeuge

DAV - Dezentralisierte Autonome Fahrzeuge Heute haben große Konzerne bereits mit vielen autonomen Fahrzeugen experimentiert: Dominos Pizzalieferroboter, Amazons Prime Air-Drohnen, Waymos autonome Taxis und Baidus selbstfahrende Open-Source-Autos sind die Wegbereiter für völlig autonome Transportsysteme. Jedoch hindern mangelnde Anreize die Zusammenarbeit über verschiedene Herstellungsplattformen und Produktionsketten das Tempo des Fortschritts in diesem Sektor. Eine Open-Source-Plattform, die vielseitig in jeglich Hinsicht ist, bietet wirtschaftliche Anreize für mehrere Teilnehmer, sich dem Netzwerk anzuschließen und sein zukünftiges Wachstum in einer Weise zu genießen, die eine viel schnellere Skalierung ermöglicht. Dank der Open-Source der DAV-Technologie und der Dezentralisierung von Protokollen, die über eine modulare Benutzeroberfläche bereitgestellt werden, ermöglicht DAV die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Hersteller. Neue Akteure können in den Markt eintreten, wodur

Wysker - Blockchain-powered mobile shopping ✨

Der Wys-Token (WYS) ist ein ERC20-Token für den Handel auf der Wysker-Plattform. Werbetreibende erhalten Zugang zu potenziellen Kunden, Nutzer erhalten Rabatte für den Zugriff auf ihre Daten und Händler haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Umsätze zu steigern. Für Investoren ist der Wys-Token eine Gelegenheit, frühzeitig ein Token zu erwerben, da Wysker zur neuen Tauscheinheit für den digitalen Handel wird. Dabei  fungiert die Blockchain als Sicherheits- und Schutzschicht für den Zugang zu potenziellen Kunden. Darüber hinaus werden die Transaktionen zwischen Nutzern, Werbetreibenden und Einzelhändlern gespeichert, wodurch der gesamte Prozess sicherer und transparenter wird. Es treibt unser neues Konzept für den digitalen Handel voran: Werbung auf der Grundlage der Einwilligung. Wys Tokens werden dank einer Reihe von wichtigen Ereignissen an Wert gewinnen. Kurz nach der Beendigung der ICO wird der WYSKER-App vorgestellt. Hier kann der Anleger einen hohen Wertzuwachs erwarten, da meh

Hada Dbank - Islamic Banking

DBANK  is the first Digital Bank to incorporate the Sharia Banking Module with Blockchain Technology, to create an ethical and responsible banking ecosystem. We are troubled by the current bank and financial institution persecution of their customers. Existing players make money out of thin air from debt and interest. This is why the global economy has collapsed over time, evident since the 1st century. The lack of responsibility charged by banks is brave enough. This is why the Bank’s revolution through the establishment of a Bank, a caring and personal bank. Caring and Personal: this is our core value, shaping and influencing services, transactions, interactions and running our business. These words will guide our behavior internally within our organization, and externally with our customers and society. We aspire to be a bank that really cares to improve people’s lives, not just profit from it. Personalization will also be the main focus of our services. Different customer


Quantum1Net ICO ya KATIL! Her geçen gün hızla ilerleyen teknolojiye ayak uydurmak gerçekten çok zor. Bilgisayar çağının da ilerlemesi ile artık her bilgi bilgisayar ortamında saklanıyor. Önceden defterler tutulurdu. Geriye dönük bilgiye ulaşmak için bir sürü zaman boşa giderdi. Teknolojinin gelişmesi ise tüm bilgiler bilgisayar ortamında tutuluyor. Bilgisayardaki bilgilerin güvenle tutulması için RSA denilen bir şifreleme yöntemi kullanılıyor. RSA, 1977 yılında Ron Rives, Adi Shamir ve Leonard Aldeman tarafından bulunmuş bir şifreleme yönteminin adıdır. Programın adından da belli olduğu gibi bu kurucuların soy isimlerinin baş harflerinden oluşmuştur. RSA artık 40 yılını doldurmakta. RSA Internet ve dijital iletişimi sağlamada çok iyi hizmet vermesine rağmen, gelişen teknoloji ve Quantum bilgisayarın yükselişi RSA ve diğer farklı şifreleme programları için tehdit oluşturabilmekte. Bilgisayar korsanlarının artık bu sistemlerin şifrelerini kıracak araçlar geliştirmekte. İşte tam


What is CREDITS? Website: The current financial system may work, but there are definitely ways we can use to improve it. That’s where CREDITS comes into play. This is a decentralized financial system focused on the direct interaction between participants. The best thing here is that everything is handled on a peer to peer principle. You don’t have a central entity, instead you get to have the ability to use financial services in a more direct manner. What’s offered by the CREDITS platform? You also get immediate access to some very powerful services too. This includes the CREDITS cryptocurrency, as well as smart contracts that get executed automatically and a distributed ledger, among many others. That’s what makes the CREDITS platform worth it, the fact that you get all the features you want in a single package and you can modify them as you see fit. Moreover, you can choose to offer services on the platform and use services as well. This is the ult

Benebit — The Currency for Customer Loyalty

A worldwide decentralized ecosystem that empowers connection without fringes between brands, organizations and purchasers and is based on Blockchain innovation. Benebit is a problematic system for the cashback and devotion showcase in view of blockchain innovation. The unsurpassable social part of Benebit’s model is professionally intended to meet the most astounding benchmarks of business/purchaser cooperation for safely putting away and trading a wide range of client and brand information for the advancement of rebates, exceptional arrangements, cashback and dependability programs. Benebit disentangles and presents another path for organizations and buyers to interface, which drives movement, builds devotion and trust, and upgrades accommodation and security. Client dedication and brand support is an imperative variable in any business furnish regardless of size, kind of items/administrations offered or area. Research has uncovered that client faithfulne